国立アメリカ歴史博物館のインスタグラム(amhistorymuseum) - 10月31日 00時48分

Have a wacky Halloween weekend! This is a marionette based on a Russian folktale created by Basil Milovsoroff. He was part of the The Federal Theatre Project, which was one President Roosevelt's New Deal programs. It employed jobless theater professionals.

Puppets were an integral part of this project and marionette units presented an average of 1,200 shows a week in 22 states. ??
This object is part of our popular entertainment collection. So is Scarecrow's costume from the 1939 #WizardOfOz movie. We're currently raising support as part of our @kickstarter stretch goal. We're about 40% of the way there. Visit the link in our profile to support this preservation of this important part of our entertainment collection. ? #puppetry #puppetryarts #AmericanCulture #Halloween2016


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