宮野真守のインスタグラム(miyanomamoru_paradise) - 10月17日 21時53分

【Mamo★Dise マモのうた Music Monday Week 6】 もう月曜日ですよね〜 あっという間に!? じゃ今週のマモのうた、マモちゃんの2010年リリースされた 「Not Alone」 を載せたいと思います ?? 新しい曲じゃないですけど、この曲はね、可愛くて暖かくて何回聴いても好きです ? 前回の 「GENERATING!」 ライブでも、「Not Alone」 歌いましたよね!アンコール曲でしたよね!凄く嬉しかったよ、アタシ〜 ? // I feel like the past few weeks have been flying by so quickly, it's crazy.. I mean we're already starting a new week! Already? ? For this week's Music Monday, I'm choosing a rather old song from Mamo.. from 2010.. but it's also a song that was picked by Mamo during his previous 「GENERATING!」 live tour a few months ago ?? It's called 「Not Alone」 which is a very cute song with lyrics that will warm your heart instantly ? When Mamo performed this song during 「GENERATING!」 , I was so thrilled I almost wanted to cry.. I really love it when he brings back his older songs because they're also just as good as his newer songs in my opinion~ ? #宮野真守 #miyanomamoru #mamorumiyano #声優 #seiyuu #mamodisemusicmonday

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