Miu Miuのインスタグラム(miumiu) - 10月5日 01時10分

“Mrs Prada understands women very, very well. Often when men design for women, they create a fantasy of what they think women are – but Mrs Prada understands what life is for a woman and how she might want to dress; she has first-hand experience of it, she makes clothes that are comfortable and they fit well and you can throw them on. Also, she has a notion of what sexiness is. I can get so tired of that word because it’s misused so often; you can be sexy in the ugliest thing, you can be sexy wearing a paper bag because sexy isn’t about what you’re wearing, it’s about how confident you feel in yourself. She does that confidence well.”
@shalamonroque for #girlinmiumiu, interview by @oliviajsinger (part 6 of 9)
? @jonasunger


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