Miu Miuのインスタグラム(miumiu) - 8月25日 18時54分

? @yasminsewell for #girlinmiumiu ? "I left school when I was 15, and started working pretty much right away, but I was unsure about any specific career or ambition I might have. It wasn’t until I was about 18 that I realised I loved fashion – but when I think back to my childhood, I remember that it’s always been something that I was drawn to. I remember seeing clothes in shop windows as a child; one evening I was driving past this store with my mother and I saw all of these dresses in the window that were like strapless tutus – actually, they were very Miu Miu now I think about it, all girly and sparkly – and they have never left my head since.”
Part 1 of 9, interview @oliviajsinger, ? @laurajanecoulson #miumiuAUTOMNE16


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