goodcoffeemeのインスタグラム(goodcoffeeme) - 6月20日 13時52分

【 | shop introduction】
"coffee seibu". If you’re ever wondering where to go for an authentic Japanese kissaten experience, look no further. It’s not like some of the other kissatens we’ve featured in terms of the coffee on offer, but the house blend is actually quite good. Attracting all types of clientele, Seibu is a popular spot for salarymen coming for the lunch set, freelancers holding meetings, people killing time with the help of the free wifi on offer and the youth of Japan chewing the fat. You’ll see modern Japan in a nutshell here. *hashtag your photos #goodcoffee_shinjuku

Photo by @nvdg81

#goodcoffee_tokyo #coffeeseibu #kissaten


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



