宮野真守のインスタグラム(miyanomamoru_paradise) - 6月14日 23時22分

こんばーーーんわ!今日はね、リクエストまだあるよ ? まだあるけど、先ずは、アイラちゃんのリクエストを載せたいと思います ?? え?ちょっと… アイラちゃんって… 私?? そうそう、今日は私の好きな 「GENERATING!」 のパフォーマンスを載せます!✌?️? それは、「Magic (WEST LA REMIX)」 のパフォーマンスです ? このremixとこのダンスやばいですよ!やばすぎる、でもめっちゃ好きー ?? I've still got a few requests to post but for today, I wanted to post Aira-chan's request first! ?? For those who are new, Aira is actually me hahaha. ? Tonight I wanted to show you one of my favourite performances from 「GENERATING!」 ever.. which is Mamo's 「Magic (WEST LA REMIX)」 performance! ? Funnily enough I never really liked this remix when I first heard it.. ? But somehow it really suited this live's sexy-adult-Mamo atmosphere very well hehe. ? This entire performance was really sensual, really seductive and oh my gosh even Mamo-chan looked like he was getting into the mood halfway through it.. ? It was really so dangerously sexy so don't say I didn't warn you okay? ? #宮野真守 #miyanomamoru #mamorumiyano #マモ #マモちゃん #声優 #seiyuu


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