フリーディアのインスタグラム(friediamn) - 6月9日 13時10分

Days like today where you have so much to do and don't know where to start. Then you have a baby to take care of and at the end of the day you notice you haven't worked at all today. You might think your day was wasted, but I'm gonna start thinking differently and say that I was teaching and exploring with my baby. Today was for him. Hopeing this will benefit E somehow. Now it's 9pm, gonna see if I can get some work done... half asleep! #freelancer #newmom #balance #changethewayithink やる事が沢山ありすぎて何処から始めれば良いか分からない日。しかも、ベビーがいる。1日が終わってる頃には「今日仕事は一切していない」と気づいた瞬間。。。でも今日はベビーのために冒険したり、色々遊んだりしたから いいっか!たまにはベビーのための日も良いじゃんね。?by @crystalrain


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