宮野真守のインスタグラム(miyanomamoru_paradise) - 5月29日 19時52分

こーーーーんばんは!✌?️? 今日はマモのキャラソンを載せたいと思います ? 「金色のコルダ」 シリーズ知ってるんですか?これはマモの 「金色のコルダ2 ~felice II~」 のキャラソンです!? 「Mermaid」 というタイトルで、本当に素敵な曲だと思います!? 「君は僕の人魚~」 好きすぎるー!?? I don't really listen to character songs a lot.. but if there's one that's been on constant repeat for the past month or so, it would be this! ? Mamo's 「Mermaid」 song from the 「La Corda d'Oro」 series! ? Do you know this game series? This particular character song is from 「La Corda d'Oro 2 ~felice II~」 and I adore it so much! ?? The song is already really good by itself but when Mamo-chan performed it live, I fell even more in love with it.. ? He sang it with a deeper voice in this performance as compared to the recorded CD version of it and I just.. sigh. I love so much, it hurts hahaha. ? // PS: This was from the 「Live Video Neo Romance Festa La Corda d'Oro」 seiyuu event back in 2014! ? #宮野真守 #miyanomamoru #mamorumiyano #マモ #マモちゃん #声優 #seiyuu


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