[日本語は下段です]We were recently copied this Ayame's iconic design Basket Lunch socks by several sock/fashion companies in Europe/UK. We feel so sad as this kind of thing happens everywhere and all the time. As soon as we noticed it and spoke immediately with them about this matter, we luckily received their sincere responses. This basket lunch pattern was inspired from a fish&chips basket lunch when I was having a power lunch with @thec53 in East London in 2011, as well as combines with the sock machine characteristic and derived from the designer’s knowledge. Therefore it’s showing the sock to be very unique and highly creative. We always invest great effort and money in designing new and singular product. We are very flattered that people have used this as a reference. Whilst being very similar and close to our own historical design we understand their needs to venture and "create" newness for their ranges, therefore if they wish to expand upon their great brand Ayame is always available to consult. If this is of interest please let us know as we can offer over 20 years of sock design experience. Otherwise please desist in using any ‎more of Ayames iconic designs. We respect all genuine creative designs and keep up the good work. All the very best, Aya, the designer of @ayame_socks #designright #creation #sockdesign #fishandchips #japanesesocks #socks -------- ここ最近また連続して欧州と英国内でコピー事件がありました。しかも全てアヤメを代表するバスケットランチソックス。絶えず同じ事が頻発し悲しい気持ちです。 ひとつは日本でもファッションピープルの中ではけっこう有名な欧州最大のドイツの靴下会社、二つ目はデンマークの歴史ある中規模の靴下会社、三つ目もアーガイルで有名なイギリスの歴史ある中規模の靴下会社、最後はロンドンの若いアパレルブランドでした。すぐに問い合せたところ、幸い今回の皆様は上の方々の対応が良く、全ての会社から誠意ある返答をいただきました。 Ayameのアイコニックなデザインであるこのバスケットランチソックス、誕生したのは2011年、東ロンドンの古いパブでカゴに無造作に入ったフィッシュ&チップスを食べながらランチミーティングをしていた時です。その後デザインをおこして靴下の機械にかけるも中々上手く行かず、何回もやり直し、技術的な問題(柄域、色数、糸道など)を全てクリアして出来上がってきた思い入れのあるデザインです。 参考にしていただけるのは嬉しい事ですが、そこにそのデザイナー自身の工夫やオリジナルデザインへのリスペクトが無いことは、本当に馬鹿げている。 とは言え、もはや世の中自体がコピー&ミックス、やられていちいち怒り続けてもしょうがないですし、こんな極東にある弱小木っ端ブランドがここで何を言ってもどこにも届くわけは無いです。ということで最近は超前向きに、礼儀正しい苦情のレターを送りつつも、よかったらデザインかディレクションして差し上げましょうか?とオファーしております。まだ何も仕事になってないですけどね。笑 私ゃ15年選手ですよ。この道一本の人です。そこんとこ、ィよろしく!!! #長文すみません #ヒマって訳じゃ無いのよ

ayame_socksさん(@ayame_socks)が投稿した動画 -

アヤメのインスタグラム(ayame_socks) - 5月20日 21時28分

[日本語は下段です]We were recently copied this Ayame's iconic design Basket Lunch socks by several sock/fashion companies in Europe/UK. We feel so sad as this kind of thing happens everywhere and all the time. As soon as we noticed it and spoke immediately with them about this matter, we luckily received their sincere responses.
This basket lunch pattern was inspired from a fish&chips basket lunch when I was having a power lunch with @thec53 in East London in 2011, as well as combines with the sock machine characteristic and derived from the designer’s knowledge. Therefore it’s showing the sock to be very unique and highly creative. We always invest great effort and money in designing new and singular product.

We are very flattered that people have used this as a reference. Whilst being very similar and close to our own historical design we understand their needs to venture and "create" newness for their ranges, therefore if they wish to expand upon their great brand Ayame is always available to consult. If this is of interest please let us know as we can offer over 20 years of sock design experience. Otherwise please desist in using any ‎more of Ayames iconic designs.

We respect all genuine creative designs and keep up the good work.

All the very best,

Aya, the designer of @アヤメ
#designright #creation #sockdesign #fishandchips #japanesesocks #socks





私ゃ15年選手ですよ。この道一本の人です。そこんとこ、ィよろしく!!! #長文すみません #ヒマって訳じゃ無いのよ


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



