パワーハウスミュージアムのインスタグラム(powerhousemuseum) - 5月17日 16時04分

Today's #PhotoOfTheDay is of drinkers outside Windsor Castle Hotel, #Paddington, for the book 'Sydney, A Book of Photographs', from 35mm acetate film, taken by David Mist, Sydney,1969. Photograph from negative 3165 appears on page 127 of the book with the caption "Australians drink just over twenty-four gallons of beer peer head of population each year. This makes pubs popular, from the elegant Marble Bar at the Adams Hotel in the city to the "in" pubs like the Windsor Castle at Paddington." Photograph shows (left to right) unknown female, Maurice O'Connell, photographer, Nerida Piggin, model, and Tony Bonner (far right), model and actor from TV series Skippy. #POTD #DavidMist #MAAScollection #IsItFridayYet? #TurtlenecksAndRaybansFTW

Object statement
Negative, black and white, drinkers outside Windsor Castle Hotel, Paddington, for the book 'Sydney, A Book of Photographs', 35mm acetate film, David Mist, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia, 1969


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