僕が今まで観てきた舞台でダントツ一番多いのが蜷川幸雄さんの作品だった。 体調を崩されたと聞いてからも一年にものすごい数の作品を手がけられていてその底知れないエネルギーに、観劇するたび感服した。 2度ほどだけ、お話をさせてもらったことがある。 誠実で、話に聞いていた印象からはかけ離れてあたたかくて、むしろ気を遣いながら丁寧に話をしてくださる姿に、背筋がのびる想いがした。 たくさんの作品を、ありがとうございました。 心から、ご冥福をお祈りします。 安らかにお眠りください。 The Japanese play that I saw most was written and produced by him, Yukio Ninagawa. Can't even count how many times I've seen them. After hearing the news of him getting ill, he constantly kept working and made several plays. He always tried, challenged and it was totally new in every work. Was overwhelmed of the passion and energy that he had. I had a chance to have a conversation with him, twice. Only a chat, but I felt very much of his honesty and kindness which it was different from what I've heard. Maybe it was that kindness, and honesty that sometime made him a ”scary person”. Thank you, for such a great art, heart, and passion. I will express what I have inside of me, and what I have recieved from you. Please rest in peace.

yoji_nodaさん(@yoji_noda)が投稿した動画 -

野田洋次郎のインスタグラム(yoji_noda) - 5月14日 20時27分






The Japanese play that I saw most was written and produced by him, Yukio Ninagawa. Can't even count how many times I've seen them. After hearing the news of him getting ill, he constantly kept working and made several plays. He always tried, challenged and it was totally new in every work. Was overwhelmed of the passion and energy that he had.
I had a chance to have a conversation with him, twice. Only a chat, but I felt very much of his honesty and kindness which it was different from what I've heard. Maybe it was that kindness, and honesty that sometime made him a ”scary person”. Thank you, for such a great art, heart, and passion. I will express what I have inside of me, and what I have recieved from you.
Please rest in peace.


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