ニューヨーク近代美術館のインスタグラム(themuseumofmodernart) - 5月13日 07時15分

“[My work] has a lot to do with statistics; ratings systems for albums, movies, sports, or restaurants; and just being hungry for data and numbers in general. I started thinking about aspects of my life in those terms—“How was last night?” 2 stars. “Was the show good?” 7.2. “How tired am I?” 63%–and finding a way to translate all of that into art. The real fun — and addictive part — is when I have the system down and I am able to execute the painting to see what it looks like. Maybe it’s all because I’m short—that I have the impulse to quantify everything [laughs].”—Andrew Kuo

To read the whole #PopRally Q&A with Andrew (@earlboykins), head to the link in our profile and follow #CreativeNewYork in the coming days. [Andrew Kuo. “Everything I Know is Probably Wrong on 9/12/12,” 2012. Image courtesy of Marlborough Chelsea]


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