ニューヨーク近代美術館のインスタグラム(themuseumofmodernart) - 3月13日 00時32分

This is @vikmuniz , and I will be taking over MoMA’s Instagram for the next three days posting from Rio de Janeiro.

I was born in Brazil in 1961, a year after Brasilia was inaugurated. Twenty years earlier Stefan Zweig had already called Brazil, “the country of the future”. With Brasilia, that future became a place. The utopian architecture of Oscar Niemeyer and Lucio Costa symbolized just that; a future. Growing up in the sixties and seventies, during the military dictatorship, the irreconcilable backwardness of the military and the futuristic allure of their symbols were very confusing to me. As a result, I always thought of Brasilia as a mausoleum of lost souls. It wasn’t until I first saw the amazing photographs of Marcel Gautherot of the building of Brasilia that I stopped seeing it as a symbol and started understanding it as a process. The work of French born Gautherot that comprehends over twenty four thousand negatives largely about Brazil can be seen and researched at the Instituto Moreira Salles, in Rio.
#seeingthroughphotographs @vikmuniz #marcelgautherot


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