スミソニアン博物館のインスタグラム(smithsonian) - 3月12日 01時12分

One thing I love about the @Hirshhorn is that we show a huge variety of art, so I can connect with an object no matter my mood.
Today, I lost my head (get the pun?!) over this Yinka Shonibare piece, "The Age of Enlightenment--Antoine Lavoisier". This is a great piece to talk about with kids because once you start looking closely, layers of meaning start to unfold. Ask questions surrounding the clothing since the costume is historically accurate in form, but made from brightly colored African cloth. Shonibare is nodding to the colonization of Africa by the west which escalated in the 18th century. Use that information as a starting off point to create your own interpretations of the artwork! – Amy
#MuseumDayLive #ImagineHer


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