ニューヨーク近代美術館のインスタグラム(themuseumofmodernart) - 2月24日 03時12分

Andres Serrano's photograph "Piss," recently added to the #MoMACollection, investigates the relationship between beautiful imagery and vulgar materials. As part of his series "Immersions" (1985–90) and "Bodily Fluids" (1986–90), Serrano uses blood, breast milk, and urine in the manner that a painter might use paint, resulting in luminous monochromes. He goes against the norms of photography by flattening the surface and eliminating the background, subject, and perspective. Created at the same time as his controversial photo "Piss Christ," these works took on a politicized element because of the AIDS crisis of the 1980s and the possibility of infection through bodily fluids. However, Serrano’s works are not meant to arouse fear; "Piss" is a highly seductive, purely abstract image. Read more about it at the link in our profile, and see other new additions to our collection by searching #MoMACollects. [Andres Serrano. "Piss." 1987. The Museum of Modern Art. © 2016 Andres Serrano]


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