宮野真守のインスタグラム(miyanomamoru_paradise) - 1月23日 07時17分

When you've spent a lot of time editing and converting your videos, some even from your own DVDs, just so you could transfer them to your phone and upload them onto MamoDise.. and then somebody else just takes everything and re-uploads them onto their own Mamo fan account.. even blocks you and continues doing it after being told to stop twice.. um.. 😅 It's not very nice but I guess I'll just be happy that they're spreading the Mamo-chan love in their own way? 😅 You know I'm always happy to share the links (or even find alternate download links for you for the videos from my own DVDs) if you really like them, but doing this is still a bit.. 😅 Well it can't be helped, I guess.. 😅 But for everyone else who's been nothing but appreciative of MamoDise, you girls are incredibly lovely and I just want to thank you. 😊 Here's a kiss from Mamo-chan himself! 💘 「Kiss x Kiss」 performance from 「Mamoru Miyano Live Tour 2014 ~Wakening!~」 💕 #宮野真守 #miyanomamoru #mamorumiyano #mamochan #seiyuu #anime #イケメン #かっこいい #マモちゃん


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