ボンド・ナンバーナインのインスタグラム(bondno9ny) - 1月5日 02時57分

Thank you for all who participated in our Bond Forever Game! As we compile the entries this week we are going to show you some of our favorites throughout December! The first task was to show a BOND SCENT you are ‪#‎bondedto Shout out to @Debbie Kern @Rachel Gray @Tasha Anderson @Rosetta Roxy H and @merrie419! Stay tuned for us to announce the winner of 2 years of Bond on our social media channels! Thank you for all who entered on BondNo9Forever.com we will be announcing the winner of BOND FOREVER in the coming weeks!


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



