メロディー洋子のインスタグラム(melody.yoko) - 12月16日 12時48分

Sitting on the crowded bus at Robben Island, a wave of emotion flooded over me. A small island off the coast of Cape Town, was primarily used as a political prison, as well as a leper colony and a prison for convicted criminals. However, it may most famously be known for housing Nelson Mandela for 18 of his 27 years of incarceration. Now Robben Island is a museum and serves as an international symbol of justice, human rights, and self-sacrifice.
As I placed my hand on the bars that caged Nelson Mandela, I knew that I was now a part of something more important that words could ever describe. Thank you to everyone at Robben Island Prison Musem for the amazing experience. ??
1991年までの刑務所でネルソンマンデラの拘置所の柵を触れて、感動しました。とてもパワフルな場所でした。ロビンアイランド刑務所ミュージアムの皆さんありがとう。 #ネルソンマンデラ #robbenisland #melodyexploresafrica #melodystravels


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