オードリー亜谷香のインスタグラム(audrey_ayaka) - 12月12日 14時20分

Day 3- We started our morning touring the FPAN clinic where they provide medical services to those seeking check ups, hysterectomies, vasectomies, abortions and other medical services. It was shocking to me to see the how sanitary standards vary depending on the country. Nepal is a country of many cultures, I learned that according to the origin of the person, their cultural norms determine the service they seek. For example those living in mountainous terrain, it is a more common for a man to get a vasectomy. This is not a norm for those living in the city.

After our tour of the clinic we continued on to Bhaktapur. We visited a secondary school and were able to take a sexual education class with girls aged 13-15. These girls were some of the brightest I've ever met. Although their native language is Nepali, they elected to take their course in English so we would understand better. Everyone here have been so welcoming, I can't thank everyone enough for allowing me a glimpse in their life. I already can't wait to come back! #joicfp #whiteribbonrun #womenempoweringwomen #nepal #bhaktapur


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