LOOKBOOKのインスタグラム(lookbook) - 12月12日 03時05分

"slate" by @kimtuttle_ from #Philadelphia #UnitedStates "These slate wayfarer glasses from polette are everything. I just totally envisioned them with flares and a turtle neck for some reason. I just think they’re so chic and totally street style. I really wanted them to stand out so I chose the light colored top and kept everything else pretty much simple and basic.

These glasses have a special type of new advanced lens that’s something everyone should consider getting, even if you don’t need a prescription pair. These are the e-polette glasses and the lens is designed to eliminate the blue light that emanates from the screens we constantly look at throughout the day. When our retinas soak in too much blue light, it can cause nasty headaches and even decrease melatonin levels, causing us to have trouble falling asleep. These lens are an answer to a problem that I didn’t even know existed and I’m so glad I found them. I even started wearing them to my 9-5 office job and I’ve noticed that headaches are way less frequent. Even if your profession isn’t computer related, you’re probably looking at your phone, tablet and tv screens so a pair of e-polette glasses would help eliminate much of the blue light exposure your eyes are getting throughout the day." More details: lookbook.nu/user/4085472

#bohemian #chic #street #lookbook #ootd #style #fashion


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