インフォメーションのインスタグラム(in4mation_) - 10月25日 08時00分


Today we celebrate the woman who helped take #in4mation to a place we always imagined. Not many know the story of when we first started our shops/brand on how no one in the business world believed in us. There was a point a year in that we were on the ropes with no way to grow. That's where Grandma Tokuda stepped in an put her home on the line. Just imagine putting your livelihood on the line for a few skateboarders and a surfer who started #in4mation. Without her belief in us we would never be where we are now. With shops in Hawaii , Las Vegas and our soon to open @in4mation_alamoana she is the reason we are here....... We're gonna miss you Grandma and will forever honor what you have done for us and everyone involved with #in4mation.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



