ニューヨーク近代美術館のインスタグラム(themuseumofmodernart) - 10月6日 04時07分

Anne Umland, Curator of Painting and Sculpture: “Picasso's ’Violin’ is very light—nothing like a traditional marble or bronze sculpture—but the work still required three people to place and hang it on the wall. It's very fragile: Picasso made it from tin boxes, iron rings, and paper-thin sheets of metal that he cut, folded, and (amazingly) attached with staples. Like lots of his works from around 1915, ‘Violin’ is part-sculpture, part-painting; the brushwork is especially visible on the bright blue and tawny brown panels. This entire room, in fact, is filled with a very colorful family of works, all from Picasso's remarkable Cubist years.” See our profile for more behind-the-scenes photos of the preparations for “Picasso Sculpture.” [Installation in progress for “Picasso Sculpture” exhibition at The Museum of Modern Art, New York. Photograph by Martin Seck] #HowDoYouSee


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