NASAのインスタグラム(nasagoddard) - 8月7日 04時39分

University students join NASA on trip to Hawaiian volcano

In June, five student journalists from Stony Brook University’s Alan Alda Center for Communicating Science packed their hiking boots and hydration packs and headed to Hawaii’s Big Island. There, they joined a NASA-funded science team for 10 days on the lava fields of the very active volcano called Kilauea. The students observed the scientists conducting field work and reported on the experience in words, photos and video. Daily hikes of up to nine miles round-trip taught the journalists to move with confidence across the harsh landscape, keeping eyes peeled for hazards such as a’a – a type of lava that has hardened into unsteady piles of razor-sharp rocks. As the group worked, everyone paid attention to the direction of the wind, which could carry the volcano’s noxious plume toward them, and practiced putting on their respirators just in case.

Credit NASA/Goddard #nasagoddard


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