姫沢のインスタグラム(himezawa) - 7月27日 15時26分

???? #stillfabulous Time to roll home...
I want to send some positive energy to @buttercupbunnycosplay with this! I overcame my fears and took my operation today. I've suffered from this for a long time and seeing her fighting on and on gave me the strength to go to the hospital today.
If there's a health problem that you need to resolve, because it caused you a mot of pain and worry, you should jump over your own shadow sometimes.
It took me two years to realize that, and I am glad I didn't wait any longer.
I'm rolling home to my loved ones, and I'm still drowsy from anesthetics, so excuse this odd post


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



