AFP通信のインスタグラム(afpphoto) - 7月26日 11時01分

A woman walks out of the #FanBay #DeepShelter within the cliffs overlooking #Dover, England, on 23 July, 2015. Rediscovered in 2012, the tunnels were originally created after British Prime Minister Winston #Churchill visited the area and was horrified to see enemy shipping moving freely within the #DoverStrait. He subsequently ordered three anti-aircraft guns to be installed at #FanBay. With the battery, searchlights, radar equipment and two First World War sound mirrors, a series of steel-lined tunnels were added 70 feet below the ground to house the soldiers needed to man the facility. The National Trust re-discovered the tunnels after purchasing the land in 2012 and after a major restoration project, the tunnels are now open to the public. AFP Photo by @thetabascokid (Leon Neal)


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