ウォーリーのインスタグラム(wally_and_molly) - 7月4日 01時55分

A special mid-day video (with sound) because I can't not share this moment any longer. Wally loves smooshies (smooshing himself between the back of the couch and the wall). The first time he did this, I ran over because I was afraid he'd get stuck! I called his name and discovered his talent for maneuvering in reverse. So today, I videoed it! (I used my camera light because it's really dark back there; otherwise, I don't use this feature with Wally. Don't let his red eye frighten you. ☺️) #backwardsbunny Oh! P.S. The couch-chewing can be attributed to my first rabbit, Matilda. She loved fabric. ?


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