フェザーフレンズのインスタグラム(featheredfriends1972) - 7月2日 23時06分

@kurtross takeover continues.
Although I would never plan to be in a similar situation again, descending peak 12,200 in a whiteout was a scary experience that I'm glad to have had. After listening to a questionable weather forecast, Colin Simon (@colin_simon), Nik Mirhashemi (@mirhash007 ) and I set out to try a line that we had scoped on the South Face of the mountain. The ascent went without a snag, but the area completely socked in as we neared the top. I've never been in such a disorienting situation. We wouldn't have known where the ground was if we weren't standing on it. We sat for two hours on the summit ridge waiting for any sign that it might clear. When it didn't, we decided to try to move down. It was also the first time I've been attached to someone who took a full crevasse fall; Nik fell above his head and caught on a stopper knot at one point. When we wobbled into camp after our epic, the mega-experienced guide Mark Allen (@alpinelines) made us some awesome food and talked with us. I asked him what he would do if he was caught in a whiteout without shelter or GPS. He said "Well, I wouldn't..."


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