ニューヨーク近代美術館のインスタグラム(themuseumofmodernart) - 6月18日 00時47分

The Rainbow Flag, created by Gilbert Baker in 1978, is now part of MoMA's design collection. Curatorial assistant Michelle Millar Fisher spoke to Baker about this powerful and important design. "A flag is different than any other form of art," Baker says. "It’s not a painting, it’s not just cloth, it is not a just logo—it functions in so many different ways. I thought that we needed that kind of symbol, that we needed as a people something that everyone instantly understands. And flags are about proclaiming power, so it’s very appropriate." Read more of their conversation at the link in our profile. [The Rainbow Flag waving in the wind at San Francisco’s Castro District. Photo: Benson Kua. Image used through Wikimedia Commons] #pride #LGBT #LGBTQ


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