山下智央のインスタグラム(tomoyama32) - 12月4日 17時13分

🇬🇧 A dream come true and another check on my bucket list. I’ve watched videos of the husky rides in Lapland a million times but experiencing it was something at another level. The view of the sunrise and the white colors of the snow were amazing. The huskies were so cute and friendly and I fell in love with them haha

🇮🇩 Mimpi yang menjadi kenyataan dan satu lagi yang masuk dalam bucketlist aku. AKu udah nonton video husky rides di Lapland jutaan kali, tapi merasa beda banget kalo mengalami ini. Pemandangan matahari terbit dan warna putih salju sungguh menakjubkan. Anjing-anjing husky ini sangat lucu dan ramah dan aku jatuh cinta pada mereka wkwk

Check out @huskyparkarcticcircle and hope you guys can experience this amazing activity as well!


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